
thinking: over the years

When people ask me about my (optical) change over the years I often answer way too fast. I tell them I didn't change that much, that my hair still looks the same, that I still wear the same clothes I used to wear in the past, that my facial features are still the same, that my daily make up routine still is the same as it has been for ages. Superficially speaking it's not all lies. But when you look back at old pictures, you really see a difference in between all those years. It just happened recently that I scrolled through all of my facebook profile pictures, from the very beginning in 2009 until now, 2014. All in all it's been an overview over the last five years and the longer I stare at these pictures, the more changes I recognize. 

Five years ago I had loads of ugly piercings in my face, I wore clothes and accessories I would never ever wear again and although my hair color is still the same, I used to style it in a different way back then. I also see my facial features changing - not that I'm getting any wrinkles (yet, but hopefully it will take some time until then) but I can see that my expression now appears more grown-up than five years ago, I don't want to say by that I feel like a real adult now, and I don't think I will ever be, I still feel some kind of having this little child inside of me and yes, I'm proud of that. (You may remember Peter Maffay's "Nessaja"? If the lyric is not true then I don't know what ^^) 

To bring this monologue to an end, you should try and look through your old pictures too, it's always funny to find out about yourself. All in all I can say that I'm quite satisfied with how I look now and I do laugh about some of my old pictures ;) 

So, lean back, enjoy this journey through time (click to enlarge) and feel free to leave a comment about how weird I look on some of the pictures ^^


6 Kommentare:

  1. oh mann, jetzt wird mir erst bewusst, wie lange ich deinen blog eigentlich schon lese... ^^ wahnsinn, so viele fotos, an die ich mich noch erinnern kann! allerdings muss ich zugeben, dass ich mir nicht sicher bin, ob mir das verschwinden deiner piercings nie aufgefallen ist oder ob ich es einfach vergessen habe haha

  2. Ja man, wie lange ich den Blog schon lese :o
    Du ehemalige Punkerbraut, du! Finds auch gut, dass du die Piercings rausgenommen hast. Auf jeden Fall lustige Bilder :D

  3. Aaaah, das Foto von dir vor dem Leo-Hintergrund. Das war doch damals dein Profilbild bei Livejournal, oder? :D Als ich dich das erste Mal im Schwarzmarkt entdeckt habe. :D

    1. haha oh Gott, stimmt, LJ is ja nun wirklich schon Jahrhunderte her :D Wie lange das her is, oh man

  4. Hab dich heut mit deinem Freund gesehen am Nollendorfplatz :D weiß nicht, ob du meine Blicke bemerkt hast. Wollte aber nicht beim Blumengucken (?) stören. haha

    1. Neeee, man wieso hast du nicht Hallo gesagt? ^^ Hab dich nicht gesehen :( Waren tatsächlich mit Blumen durchkucken beschäftigt haha


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